Monday 3 June 2013

I feel a merger coming on!

Hi guys,
At the start of this year, I started this blog with the aim of writing about the journey of discovering Cece (i.e. me!).  I now realise that this was an overly ambitious move as I have just become a mother and have another blog in place already!  So, I am going to merge my blogs.  

What does this mean?  For now, I will not be posting on this blog but I will be posting all my thoughts about finding Cece on my other blog in the meantime.

So head over to the other blog and subscribe to continue reading my thoughts!

See you over there!  I'll be waiting!


Monday 18 March 2013

Try Something New!

So 2013 has been a year of new beginnings!  I have become a mother and in line with "living the life I love",  I have started a new business!

I have become a Captain Tortue Independent Consultant.

Captain Tortue is a French company that produces designer clothes for women and children.  They sell their clothes through Style Workshops in homes or through one-to-one consultations.  I have become a consultant for their Miss Captain line which is a range of stylish casual clothes for women.  The Spring/Summer Collection has been released and the clothes are gorgeous!

Why have I done this?
It's part of my mission to try new things and do things that I enjoy.  This business allows me to meet new people, organise how I want to work and when.  When I am working, I'm organising social events at people's homes and talking about fashion!  What more could a girl ask for?

How does it contribute to "Finding Cece"?
This business is allowing me to challenge many preconceived ideas I have had about who I am.  It's allowing me to challenge my "shyness" and go out and have fun! As well as providing a forum where I can fully indulge in my love for organising events and fashion.

How can you support?
You can start by liking my Facebook page if you are on Facebook.  Also if you know anyone that might be interested in looking at the clothes, hosting a show or even becoming a consultant.  I can travel almost anywhere in the UK.  Get them to email me.

Until next time,

Sunday 10 February 2013

In need of a plan!

Today is the 10 February - that means that the first month of 2013 has already passed!  Time really does fly by and it is so easy to suddenly find yourself cheering in the new year and wondering where the last 12 months went!

This year I have decided to spend time finding out what the plan is.  Those of you who know me in real life will know that I love to plan.  I will happily spend plenty of money on diaries and various other planning products to be able to carry out one of my most favourite past times - planning.  As I have progressed in my walk with God, I have found that my approach to planning has had to change.

Each year I would write down my goals and outline what I wanted to achieve in the upcoming year.  I would reflect on what my goals were for the previous year and consider how my progress was with each one.  But now, my goal setting for the last few years has changed.  When I was younger, it was easier to use that method - I had clear education or career goals that I wanted to achieve and I thought
knew what I wanted!   Now I realise that my first mistake was looking at what I wanted - my primary goal has to be looking at what God wants.  I believe that God's plan is going to be the best plan for my life - it may not be the easiest but I do know that at the end of it all I will be the person, God intends for me to be.  So this year, my main goal is to discover God's plan.

I am currently on adoption leave and on a break from my 12 year career in the classroom and I am asking myself some serious questions - will I be going back?  I have wanted to leave the classroom for the last 5 years but have failed to pinpoint exactly what I want to do instead.  Now as a new mother, I am faced with harsh reality of all the reasons why I want to leave the classroom!

Teaching is a highly rewarding career and I love working with young people.  Young people are so important - they are our future and they are growing up in a much more challenging environment than we did.  Positive role models are in short supply for many children today and the education system although impressive, does not meet the need of all children equally.  I joined this profession to make a difference and I believe that I have.  However, it has become clear to me that to have impact in the classroom you need to be completely devoted - you need to willing to put in the extra hours and go the extra mile.  I have been doing this for most of my career but when I got married and started to establish my home, I began to struggle.  It felt like I couldn't do well in both areas and I struggled to meet the needs of my home life as well as maintain the level of excellence that I had committed myself to in the classroom.  In addition to this change, I always knew that I didn't want to stay in the classroom forever.  I want to have an impact beyond the classroom and see how I can help to change the lives of even more young people.

Some of you reading this may feel that this sounds "pie in the sky", but I am a firm believer that God has given each of us a purpose (something that we should be doing here on Earth).  I know that part of my purpose involves education - although recently I have been discovering that education is just part of the picture.  And so, I am on a mission to find out God's plan.  As I mentioned in my first post on this blog, I know that I am in a process of transistioning in my life.  It is natural to see changes in life when you become a mother but I also know that this is time where I can make a real effort to listen out for what God is saying.

Listening out for God isn't always easy - especially when your mind is full of good ideas and you are impatient about making a decision because you fear that time is running out.  But....the Bible says "Be still and know that I am God".  So I'll sit here and wait, trusting that God will speak clearly and on time. 

In the meantime, I will be do my best to quieten down the voice in my head that is screaming "WHAT'S THE PLAN?!" enough to hear God's voice saying "Chill out, Cece - I've got it covered!"

Lady in waiting,
Cece xx

Monday 21 January 2013

A New Chapter

Today was my first day on adoption leave.  Wow!  What a strange feeling.  To understand how I came to be in this position and the journey I have travelled you will need to read my other blog.  My child hasn't actually arrived yet and I will be documenting the final steps of the process my other blog but I wanted to start this blog today. 

I am at the start of what is planned to be a year's adoption leave.  Being at home with my child is a dream I have always had and I can't believe that I have finally got to this point. I set up this blog a while ago as I knew that there would be a time when I would want to write but I wasn't sure when.

I have been writing my other blog for about 2 years and it has been immensely helpful in my struggle with infertility.  It has played a key role in my healing and I have rediscovered my passion for writing!

I am at the start of a completely new chapter of my life.  The most obvious change is the role of the motherhood but I genuinely believe that this year is going to bring other changes which I can't see yet.  It seems fitting that as I transistion to a new season in my life that I start posting on this blog.

This blog will not just focus on motherhood although as this will now be a key aspect of my life - it will definitely feature in my posts.  However, this blog is going to be about my life in general with a particular focus on the process of discovering more about Cece (me!).

God has been revealing so much to me about myself over the last few years that I have often been left speechless.  Each day God is revealing more of who I am, who I'm called to be and helping me to fall in love with being Cece.  I haven't always enjoyed being Cece - in fact there have been times when I've quite openly wished to be someone else, but God has been slowly renewing my mind and helping me to see that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by Him!

So I invite you to join me on the journey of "Finding Cece" - who knows you may discover more about yourself along the way as well!